The Lego Muppets Collectable Minifigure Series has been out since May 2022 and it was killing me that I didn’t have a 16×16 Lego Muppets Theater for them to perform in. I had been seeing huge MOCs on the internet for the last year on Chinese shopping sites like Aliexpress and like the design, but couldn’t handle the size by any means. So, I set out to make a 16×16 display Muppets theater with some inspiration from the net and more tweaks to suit my purposes. I think the result was wondrous:

I love how this Lego Muppet Theater came out. I’m so glad to see all the characters crammed in there, with a stylish little theater. My favorite part is the little band pit and my upgraded drum set for Animal and a piano for Ralf. I can’t wait to get a Mr. Teeth in Series 2 (fingers crossed).
The little box seats for Statler and Waldorf is made with an Odd width so I can get both figures to sit in as tight as possible a space. To keep things more airy and open, I didn’t put a roof of the box seats.
Main Goals for the Lego Muppet Theater 16×16:
When Designing displays for my minifigures, I always want to get lots of figures to display clearly in a small space. I want Figure Density because I don’t have endless space on my shelves. So I confine my displays to 16×16. In this case, the box seats do hang off outside of the normal footprint, but since it hinges, I can swing them in a bit for normal display. I kept the box seat pretty simple so it wouldn’t get too bulky. There has of course been a Lego Muppets Theater to hit 10K on Lego Ideas at this point, but its Huge and even if it came out in stores, I’d have to pass for space reasons alone.
Wanting everyone to be visible, I kept the railing around the band pit short and I lifted characters like Fozzy and Gonzo so they would be visible behind Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggie.
Its a Facade:
This is meant to be a display, so like my other 16×16 displays, these are not fleshed out play sets with full interiors. In the case of the Lego Muppet Theater, you can see that the back and Side views are pretty flat and ugly.

In the back you can see a big arch that holds up the stage. Those 12 stud wide arches are great for this purpose. Under the stage I have tucked away some of the odd ball accessories that the minifigs came with. Its basically storage space.
Download the Design if desired:
Overall, I love this little build and am happy share the files with anyone in need. I would upload them to Bricklink Studio, but it always blocks downloads so that’s useless. I’ll post the file to this site as soon as I get them done. Here is the link to the file stored on my website. 16×16 Lego Muppets Theater File. It does not have step instructions, but you’ll be able to order the parts and can figure out how to build it pretty easily by moving some pieces around in the model. Have Fun!
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