Harry Potter

Lego Hogwarts 16×16 Minifigure Display Castle

Lego Hogwarts 16×16 Minifigure Display Castle

When you want every Lego set and every Minifigure, you quickly run out of shelf space. The new series of Harry Potter sets which include two substantial Hogwarts castles in both mini and nano fig scales, are both highly desirable and have some great figs. Unfortunately, I personally, just don’t have the space nor the money for these two beauties.

I am on a mission to display my minifigs in various scenic displays of various genres. For Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts, a nice 16×16 Mini Hogwarts was a clear choice. Here you can see my final result which displays 17 Minifigures and 6 animals in the front and 4 minifigs and several accessories in the back.

In the back you can see how I mounted the flying Malfoy with a rather articulate arm which makes a lot of great posing angles possible.

Normally my 16×16 displays are pure facades without much detail in the back, but I made an exception with Hogwarts. I added the floating candles, storage for potions, a culdron, and the sorting hat in the back and placed 4 figs back there essentially in storage. Under the castle is a catacomb area which features the full body wizards chess and flying keys from the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Here is a brief video tour with a bit more commentary:

I sourced a lot of the parts and figures on Bricklink for far less than the main Great Hall set and for significantly less scratch than the 4 combined sets it takes to get all these figs.

Here are some pictures of the castle without the figs:

All in all, I am thrilled with how this 16×16 display came out and look forward to sharing and making more of them.

Virtual version

Here is a Stud.io version of the main castle build: Link to Bricklink Entry


Posted by Farquar in Lego, 11 comments