Cosmic Rocket Ride Promotional set found in Croatia

The winning set from the Ideas Contest “Moments in Space” is said to be getting turned into a promotional free with purchase set with details of it’s release and promotion still not revealed. The set has recently turned up however, in Croatia in this one snap shot.

The box art doesn’t have all the usual words and numbers on the left but it seems the set number will be 40335 and it will have the Ideas tag but may or may not have an official ideas set number.

The original submission looked like this:

So there have been some small updates:

The official one is:

  • Wider by 2 studs
  • Has a red mail box not yellow
  • Uses dark blue rather than regular blue
  • Has stairs
  • Has blue and white fins
  • The nose cone was redesigned
  • Side lights are blue and green rather than yellow and orange
  • The Minifigs are different

Well since this was my submission, I am rather excited and surprised to see it start to trickle out into the public eye. I can only hope that it is well received by the world’s Lego fans.


Chris Rockett

I can’t seem to find this set anywhere. I’ve searched by the set number (40335) and the description “Space Rocket Ride”. Is this for sale anywhere, where would I find it?

This was given out by Lego during a promotion period that has since past. It was free with purchase. They can be found on eBay and bricklink. It has no exclusive parts, so you can actually build one with just the instructions. I uploaded my version of the instructions to Bricklink.

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